Hi, I am Andy Loesch

Creating stuff that helps...
...and where it's not, it entertains

Web Developer / Artist

Picture of Andy

What I focus on

Front-End Web Development

Some years ago, when Macromedia Adobe Flash was huge on the web, I created some small Games in Actionscript and although people told me it would be easy from there to pick up JavaScript, because of similarities to Actionscript, I almost dodged that. Times have changed: Now I mainly use JS. Also HTML, CSS.

Robin and Andy - Live in Concert

Multi Media and Design UI/UX

Stuff. I like Stuff. I like working with Images and Music. You know, JPG has better quality than PNG. Why? Because it has more artifacts, the more artifacts the better the visual experience for robots in virtual life existence. By the way, Humans can not hear the difference between 64kbit MP3 and real sound, when they're not listening. 8 Bit is Enough, for ever. Who needs more than 640k RAM anyway?


Generic Code Monkey

I will, of course, do generic Code Monkey work that comes up from time to time... etc. Right Clicking, Left Clicking. Create Table, do some XHR here, fetch something else there. Maybe you want some Axios? Need Babel? Better get your Voltage READY for a DOM Manipulation, undo redo, undo redo. Divide By Zero. Get 0 Errors, 0 Warnings.

I'm working on and off on Forbidden Trace

Flash IDE

Part of No Fate Net

Music production and performance. Creation above all. Sacred Devotion. Press PLAY on tape.

Please check out what we do in No Fate Net

My Work

Who I am

I am, what we people call, a Fachinformatiker fuer Anwendungsentwicklung. It's fun, everybody should try it!

But what does it really mean? Let me explain: Code Monkey go stack overflow. Code Monkey copy Code. Code Monkey paste Code. Try Catch Everything. Deploy Code. Commit to Git. Code Review. Ok, What Error? See Nothing Wrong here. Works fine on my machine. Maybe need more IF. I add some more IF. Code Working... no? Oh, U need some updates here -> Get it on NPM. Just kidding! That is NOT what my Job is about... or is it? ;) Well it's more like that: I always wanted to work at a video rental shop, since I really like movies. But since the decline of that, and the rise of the Internet, I made a virtual one with VUE.JS which was a lot of fun. Ask me about it!

Andy Andy

My Work

Projects I have been working on

Work In Progress...

I am.