2009Closed In

Flash Game

“CLOSED IN” is a short game where you find yourself in some kind of abandoned underground bunker after falling down a strange shaft. Explore it, survive it and find out what it’s all about.

Flash Game. Coding, Game Design, Art(Vector and Bitmap) & Sound Design by Me.

Comment By googoolyeye 12.Jun, 2009: At first glance, I thought this was a bad Don't Look Back remake, but now... Closed In is an amazing and beautiful game. The graphics are so vivid and immerse. Even though there isn't much of a story, I was sucked into it, imagining up my own tale as to why this poor fellow is in there. The controls are easy and simplistic, and they are responsive, causing little frustration. The game is fairly hard to not have any checkpoints, making you restart every time you die, but that bothers me little, as I'm too busy just looking and appreciating the game itself, rather than the gameplay. The gameplay is great, simple and easy to learn, but not very easy to beat... My one suggestion: add some music. I believe if you put in some creepy or dark music, the game will truly show its colors to the rest of the world. 5/5 Bravo!

Since Adobe Flash is no longer supported by the web, the game can no longer be viewed on a website. But I can offer a Standalone Version to DOWNLOAD [2.4mb][WIN executable only]

Try running the game online with remote Ruffle HERE

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